Chemung has an extensive area of 411 sq mi with around 91K people with rich admixture of races including White, Asian, African American, Hispanic or Latino of any race, Native American, Pacific Islander and others residing in this county. The county was formed in the year 1836. More than 35K households and 23,200 family units can be found in this region. Elmira is the county seat.
At times genealogy landscape seems confusing triggering lots of efforts from the hunters for solutions. Missing data or clues can lead to a disastrous consequence. As a result, people stop performing their research. However, a proper and organized database repository can solve such issues. Chemung County index archive proves to be such an online index that maintains enriched data and assortment of necessary clues including census and marriage reports, birth history, death news, civil court data, divorce decree information, ancestral SSN, property deeds, civil court data, immigration details, military service, civil war particulars, probates and loads of other interesting clues to make sure successful journey through one's own family history.